
“I'm rather proud of my ability to tell lies. I can trick not only others; but even my own heart.”
Gamble you for it.

I'm a terrible player. Pretty much all you need to know.

cjn104 is my best friend forever

"Logan is obsessed with The Sims because in the game, he's able to have a family that actually wants him." - Kandice

"well my sisters get a**l if they dont sleep enough" - jackattack123

"ok how about you suck my d*** and i close my eyes and pretend you're a girl" - jackattack

Kandice "Winning HoH shows how fake the people in this lobby can be." Kanjo "which is why kandice purposely throws"


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedover 10 years
you're not a terrible player!!
almost 11 years
Everybody look! Its someone amazing :)
almost 11 years
Ty for talking to silly old me about anime. It's not often I get to talk to someone about it and I quite enjoyed it. :)