

I am well aware that I suck as maf. That is all.

Friends (2)


2 / 20Do No Harm
deletedalmost 15 years
im too sexy for my shirt to sexy for my shirt LMAO ur welcome
deletedalmost 15 years
oh ask as many questions as you want :DDDD ok well i made mine but this is what you do
1. pick out a picture and remember the file its in
2. go to paint
3. open the picture
4. save as
a. now you should see something thats like file name below that there should be file type hit file type
b. choose .gif
c. save
5. go to EM (epic mafia) <3
6. go to your profile
7. hit edit
8. change avatar
a. browse
b. find where your file is there should be two of them click the .gif one
c. click open or double click whatever
9. hit upload avatar

almost 15 years
The invalid image type thing?
That happened to me with any type of image I tried to upload.
Are you on Internet Explorer? If you are you may need to change to google chrome or something. It worked for me...