
part of 

heyyyz, what u dont know won't hurt you :P

i like being a no avi esp since i cant upload pics, like wtf!! :(

flipping annoyed 0.0 as of 6/1/10

if u -k me id appreciate it if u tell me so i can improve in the future..

person i need to -k locomadman-bb

a joke i found interesting.. order to find woman, you need time and money, so women=time x money 2.time is money, so time=money 3.therefore women= (money)^2 4.Money is the root of all problems so money=(Problems)^(1/2) 5. putting it together we get: women= (problems)^1/2^2 =women=problems

unranked just fun -nothing gr8, i just wanted to c the ending

I noticed that quite a few ppl have goals for this game, but this is just a game to me so I dont have goals for this. I have goals in life which aren't being helped by playing this game =D yay! fun! upty!

i'm cutting into my sleep time..oh shucks! =0

about 13 years
where arth thou?? <3
over 13 years
Jajajajaa I have more names than beelzebub also God doesnt need words!!!! he needs money so if you be kind enough to make a deposit to my bank i mean enemy? oh god now I will have to kill you and make it seem as an accident :|
over 13 years
Lucky is my 4th name after "I am god" but yeah shhh my enemies are everywhere
over 13 years
Yummy old man?.....guess im a lucky person if he is that yummy..I mean no no old men there....
over 13 years
Jajajajajaja I dont know if i should feel flattered cause you stalk me or unpopular cause its the first time =P
over 13 years
Jajajaja oh im not that popular i think you are one of the first one to actually stalk me...not counting some cats, dogs, racoons, the milkman.....and that old man of the front house...i dont know about him =/
over 13 years
Wow you are a really good player, I see how you got your trophy! Hope to play with you again.
over 13 years
You really know how to make a stalked person to feel all tingly and special don't you? I wont be able to change my clothes without feel observed D=
over 13 years
Jajajajaj wow so stalkerish...I would lie if I said Im not intrigued though =P
over 13 years
Oh well next time try knocking maybe we can lurk outside my house together!
over 13 years
Probably you are the stalker =]
over 13 years
Well the day came sooner than expected
over 13 years
Well the =] was better than being all =[ but yeah maybe one day ill just crash in one of your games if i see you. And I do come on sometimes and play in special occasions :x
over 13 years
Bye candy couldn't play again with you =]
over 13 years
Also the silver was implying the tier you are on , but also maybe the lollipop or the kitkat have a silver wrap which would make them per default named the silver kitkat....just saying
over 13 years
Jajajaja yeah its been so long since I last saw you , and yes I have no life so Ill be always here (not really, still no life though) And this game isn't for posers is for people who think his life is boring and sucks and come seeking for some way out of it, therefore many of them are people who are smart irl but they think they are smarter for playing ranked etc etc which is stupid. Also Im not a prostitute >:|........I do it for free ;D , ehem I mean Im a decent person whop wouldnt take 5 dollars (really am i that cheap ;__;) But seriously to get better is not just like a situation gets less shitty but it represents a change in how you see yourself and your perception if that hooker is doing that for the....lets call right reasons more like cause its necessary in order to survive or provide for kids or something those 5 dollars for not diminishing herself at least one time are like a little sun ray in all the shit she has to take its a matter of perspectives if you ask me.
over 13 years
+k silver candy
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years