
oklahoma cause i'm ok

happier than an antelope with night vision goggles


10 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
deletedalmost 12 years
do u know how long you've been at the store.
deletedalmost 12 years
+k for being hot
deletedover 12 years
heaven huh....sound delightful give all the angels hugs and kisses for me
deletedover 12 years
oh goodness -_- i cn never be on when you are
deletedover 12 years
i miss you!!!! where have you been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 12 years +k'ing for this good game. I failed at the end, but I would have failed a lot earlier had it not been for you signalling towntells all over me to get me off your back. Anyway, I really liked that game so I'm giving +k to everyone who played an important part in the game.
deletedover 12 years
Your Karma is 30 now. I have contributed 1/30th of that. Happy holiday's
deletedover 12 years
deletedover 12 years
karma returned and ty.
almost 13 years
+k for a good game. You were SO TOWNIE, I'm surprised you were fos'd at all.
almost 13 years
If you negged me, can you please remove it.
My browser crashed in that game and I couldn't rejoin from the time d1 started to the kick that killed me. I only could attempt to rejoin(browser worked again) when the game was over and saving.
about 13 years
+k'd ya :)
about 13 years
Well there's always facebook!
about 13 years
I know thats what im saying! we need another form of communication
about 13 years
I never wanted to do it :(. We need to talk more than just by chance on here!
about 13 years
No really, I love you.
about 13 years
+k'd you back!
about 13 years
Thanks for the +k :D
about 13 years
youre just making me love you more and more <333
deletedabout 13 years