
in love with 
part of  family




over 10 years
Who is prettier, Corruption or Radamanthos?
I am the prettiest bitch to ever grace this site.
over 10 years
Are you a pretty, pretty princess?
I am the prettiest bitch to ever grace this site.
deletedover 10 years
hit that shit brah
I'm a future priest.
anonymousover 10 years
why the fuck are you in love with an under-aged bitch, nice fucking going rada, take a fucking step back
You are beyond pathetic.
anonymousover 10 years
then ohbby say something ;)
Verga de mono.

Created Setups

deletedover 8 years
hi rad ab 4 years ago i used to play under a diff username and you one of only people from back then who still plays!!!
over 8 years
sh!t in the park buddies :DDDDDD
over 8 years
radamanthos..... the jig is up. ANA JUST TOLD ME U SAID I WAS COOL! who is the nerd now?
over 8 years
vvvv lazy doofus who is EVERYWHERE
deletedover 8 years
lazy doofus
over 8 years
you're never here but ily
almost 9 years
your face
almost 9 years
man...come into the light!
almost 9 years
Well hello there.
almost 9 years
Of course.
almost 9 years
Why are you still here? And why is it so dark here? Turn on a light you emo.
almost 9 years
Hiiiii rada:)
about 9 years
:O kristagave you a sticker19 months ago
deletedabout 9 years
Hi pal
about 9 years
happy birthday
deletedabout 9 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a very ALIVE day!!
about 9 years
Happy birthday nerd
about 9 years
Friendly, neighbourhood kitchen saying hi!
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
actually ive moved on from survivor lobby, i spend my time in the "RadaManthos hate club" lobby