
Ladies Room

I have a huge ego. Deal with it.

almost 14 years
Do I know you? lawl, +k for comprehending the pro-ness of my being
about 14 years
stlked your last game, nd its bullshit if you got negged for that. amazing victory, you followed through nd did everything even played off having a silent maf partner by protecting him instead of bussing..just an overall gg +k
about 14 years
laugh now sucka, +'s
about 14 years
Ah yes i did, lol, but yeh looks like you pulled of 2 lone maf games!
about 14 years
Wow, thanks for that! Especially since I'm still bracing for neg bomb from Phex. :P
about 14 years
+king you when I can, that was well done.
about 14 years
I yakked you and shrink got rawr xD
about 14 years - How did you pull that one off haha - I actually left because i thought it was auto loss lol
deletedabout 14 years
-k learn to play.
deletedabout 14 years
Alright. Well, I've now negged you with both my alts as promised. If you decide to apologize, I'll neutralize them.
about 14 years
negged for crying in the lobby
about 14 years
Just a note that I'm going to -k you, and request as many people as I can to -k you for threatening, in poor taste during a RANKED game to -k someone for playing their role well.
deletedabout 14 years
Well, I'm deleting your comments, because I don't want to get into an argument. But insist on it one more time, and I *will* neg you with both of my alts. Then you'll be able to see that it wasn't me that did it originally. And then when you apologize, I'll neutralize both the -k's, and we'll both move on. What do you think?
deletedabout 14 years
Hey, I haven't done it yet. Was thinking about it, but got distracted by another game. Didn't neg you. Would you like me to?
deletedabout 14 years
+k you rock!
about 14 years
+k. it's too hard not to.
about 14 years
whose alt are you???
about 14 years
Sorry for being kinda rude and aggressive.
about 14 years
remind me to +k u. GG