
part of  family

clawdeeyuh = claudia. I'M A GIRL, OKAY? good grief.

for guise tests... i enjoy typing in caps, i rarely curse. i say "sweetie" a lot.

if i suicide/veg, then it's because my net flipped out. i don't do it on purpose :/

if you want karma, just comment! if you give to me, i'll always give back.

about 13 years
+k'd u
over 13 years
+k for seeing past the wifom :)
almost 14 years
+K BECAUSE I WANTED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd please return
almost 14 years
+4 you are HOT
deletedalmost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Plussed. (:
almost 14 years
+4k for being average looking!
almost 14 years
you have a great smile. +k.
almost 14 years
+K for being so pretty
almost 14 years
+k for letting me guise you, heh
almost 14 years
Yay, Claw dies :P ahahahaha, my plan worked. LMFAO K plus btw xD
almost 14 years
+k for you, sweetie~
almost 14 years
+k for you my darling!
almost 14 years
I'm doing well. We'll have to play some time soon!
almost 14 years
Whoa... you logged on right before I did. How are you?
about 14 years
+k me cuz ppl r rude?
about 14 years
+k for you!
about 14 years
+K back! thank you very much :)
deletedabout 14 years
I gave you some +k's because that's what I do. zzzz