
married to 
part of  family

Hi Y'all. I'm Callee, and I'm an old lady.

oh and GO STARS!!!!!!

about 10 years
Hallo. <3
about 10 years
<3 <3
over 11 years
Hay there.
over 11 years
So I see that your not married on here and that neither am I =D
almost 12 years
+k'ed, return? :D
about 12 years
about 12 years
<3 <3
over 12 years
Wow youve been around for years! :O And eh I dunno, I started learning Japanese a while back but not really had time to concentrate and focus on it as of late. I understand it more than I can speak, and my writing/reading is horrid :P
over 12 years
How come ive never seen you around before on EM? Despite playing nearly every day over the last year... Anyways checked your profile out since your the leader of the most esteemed family on EM and wanted to say congratz on a personal front, massive kudos considering the difficulty of such trait that you accomplished! Also you do not look Chinese T_T And I too am learning Japanese, hehe :D Anyways hopefully see you around some time!
over 12 years
How's Japan treating you?
over 12 years
Yo, wife.
deletedabout 13 years
Girl! How fun is that?! I had a thing sent to me with the study abroad in Japan but it's not really what I need to do. Well, enjoy girl, that will be a good time for you :)
deletedabout 13 years
HI Bamz! I'll take your earth sciences and japanese finals for you. :) Just finished my last class in earth sciences as a matter of fact lol. Just wanted to say hi! <3
over 13 years
Yo bamf what's up ? Been a whiiiile !!!
over 13 years
If we were to joint families with all of our highest we would hit 1,000,000 ;D
over 13 years
Hmmm I think in about a week :) here's my number 3102272631 shoot me a text so I get ur number and can msg u when we are close :)
over 13 years
Nice! Did it hurt? xP
over 13 years
Heya! :) in Orlando atm. About to fly to Vegas in a few hours. I'm so looking forward to Texas! Weeeee
over 13 years
Not much. In Jersey. Being bored.
over 13 years
What's up, missy?