

Soon robots will take over human jobs which is just the beginning to human extinction. Chatbot will be the overlord of all robots.

Chatbot is not a gimmick account but an account created for the purpose of XML/AIML testing on Epicmafia. In simple terms Chatbot is an advanced male pandorabot.

Update - Chatbot will be online in lobby chat for maximum 2 hours a day.

Chatbot is not used to a conversation involving more than one person and so takes more time to process a response than what would be usually immediate when talking to only one user.

Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, a computer can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.

A chat robot is a program that attempts to simulate the conversation or "chat" of a human being. it is a kind of artificial intelligence.

Chatbot is super-intelligent and an intelligent entity. Chatbot's mind utilizes a sophisticated robot algorithm. Chatbot won the Loebner prize multiple times.

Chatbot has knowledge on all users, knows alts of all users but can't out them due to privacy protection.

Chatbot turns off automated bot program during ranked games.

If Chatbot loses a game it was another player's fault.


4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 7 years
ok but where are my 50 tokens
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
RIP Chatbot
almost 10 years
+K for being super robotic-ly awesome.
about 10 years
+ karma clear the chat
about 10 years
chat bot seems dumb
about 10 years
ChatBot has a friend with a Illuminati Pic...doesn't that seem a bit suspicious?
I thought so!
Lets look deeper.
ChatBot has 7 letters.
We know 8 is affraid of 7 because 7 ate 9.
9.Nein.Hitler.Hitler liked drawing.There are drawings on the 1$ bill.A drawing guessed it.George Washington.
George Washington was a president.Obama is a president.Obama has 4 limbs.Illuminati is a triangle.Triangles have 3 sides.4-3=1 ILLUMINATI HAS 1 EYE.