

Hi! I'm awesome. :)

about 14 years
+k :)
deletedabout 14 years
+K stay pro
deletedabout 14 years
Sadness. I already plus k'd you on this one, so I can only +k you one more time.
about 14 years
+k per our agreement
about 14 years
No i wouldnt. I knew you where killer and didnt kill you. If I wanted to kill you I would do it night 2 so go fuck yourself
about 14 years
+K for epic whoring.
about 14 years
-Karma for leading town in auto-win on a Joint day. You fucking idiot
about 14 years
+k good job not falling for maf's trick even when they threatened to sui.
about 14 years
i see so many +k comments, but you're still on -8 D=<
about 14 years
+k for being part of our family.
deletedabout 14 years
why d'ya keep getting negged
about 14 years
+K you queer queer person :D
deletedabout 14 years
+k gud prs
deletedabout 14 years
dont play mafia. youre bad at it.
about 14 years
hell yeah, 2 busses and a guess to save your life, gj man. +k for you when i hit 2k points :P
about 14 years
+k for good games
deletedabout 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
that veg was an accident he said..
about 14 years
don't veg even if you are loosing
deletedabout 14 years
lol I take it ya did well. (y)