

Imma fucking JAZZ HORSE, how much awsome could i posibly be?

I never suicide willingly, its either because i lost my connection, or im talking and someone kickvotes, the timers starts to go down, ITS ALREADY ON 3, OH FUCK I HAVE TO VOTE.

Naeght has turned into a vegetable

N1 village win (Killer (me) and maf shoot eachother)

Created Setups

about 13 years
Return +K please
about 13 years
about 13 years
Plussed! Return?
about 13 years
you sir get a shiney +K
about 13 years
+K'd please return
about 13 years
yayayay!! im your 20th karma!! :DDD return?
about 13 years
+k'ed :)
deletedabout 13 years
plus k you
hope you return the favor
about 13 years
sure +k
about 13 years
+K. Please return? :D
deletedabout 13 years
I plussed you, now please don't +K my profile --- just +K my setup, I know you -K'd it and now I cant play it ranked. I would appreciate it, thanks.
about 13 years
On my wall :P
here's some karma
deletedabout 13 years
+k, please return. :3
almost 14 years
You're an awesome mafia bro C:
almost 14 years
+k for reporting me for something I don't condone to doing
almost 14 years
+k because I always listen to Gingy.
about 14 years
Lol no, I had to go
I would've suicided even if I were town
about 14 years
+k'd for good play as mafia
about 14 years
Enjoy your +2k
deletedabout 14 years
favor returned