

I try to be a nice person. My scummy and bitchy side are almost the same. I'm trying to cool it down! If you +k me, I'll +k you. If you -k me, at least state your reason why.

over 14 years
2k for u please return when u can
over 14 years
+k for being a good townie.
over 14 years
maf was Rei
over 14 years
btw, feel free to smack Danny. or I'll do it for you :D
deletedover 14 years
are you completely sure about that one? :)
I have actually used 1 less misssyyy.. mwahahahaha
deletedover 14 years
Hi Buffy. I don't often rub things in to people. So I just wanted to share something with you. TAKE A LOOK AT MY SCORE AND CRY :P :P
deletedover 14 years
since you are greater than me, I am forced to plus k and friend you. :D

Also, you have used 5 more hearts than I have :P
deletedover 14 years
+k'd Your welcome.
deletedover 14 years
I usually don't +k, but I thought we lost for sure O.o
deletedover 14 years
You looked back and read what? lmao
over 14 years
we need to play another match rofl