
The sunlight gives me headaches...
Yumenosaki Private Academy
in love with 

All passworded games, regardless of deck, is passworded with enstars


  • is a legit vampire in EnStars
  • does not like the taste of blood tho (Rei pls)
  • prefers tomato juice
  • "With this vast amount of magical energy within me"
  • He speaks like an old man. I plan to use that in games but I'm lazy
  • hates the sunlight (duh)
  • he loves his younger brother but Ritsu is like "ugh" towards him (it's ok Rei I love u)
  • Leader of the idol unit UNDEAD
  • prolly centuries old

About this account:

  • is xKei's alternate account (fight me)
  • I made Rei love ruin because ruin was desperate and he loves Rei so why not


almost 9 years
whats the password to enstars maf
rip I didn't see this earlier-- the password is enstars ; it'll be this for all games www