
part of  family
109wins114losses8left is my one true proud moment of my EM career. Here's to hoping I have many more.

Hem Hem: Guise questions time.

  1. Where can I find my avatar online.
  2. Ask me stuff about Pokemon. I don't competitive battle, but I know a whole bunch.
  3. Ask me to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconiosis. Its a lung disease that miners get by inhaling lots of dust. Its also found on page 1767 in my library's dictionary, so you can ask me that too.
  4. You could ask me about Advance Wars, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, or Final Fantasy Tactics Advance too. Anything in the series, I should know.
about 13 years
Just read ur game, when u were the cop,
Myrrhman, YOU ARE FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!! I am sooo going to do that!!!!!
deletedabout 13 years
Thanks :)
about 13 years
about 13 years
Thank you!
about 13 years
And you do realize you're just being a sore loser? So my tactic wasn't savory, but I still feel compelled enough to use it. I also never said that he claimed first, therefore he wasn't a fake cop. No, I just said we should test the guilty to see what was up since vig was still alive, AKA me. I knew I would shoot the false cop, AKA you.
about 13 years
and vig was still alive, and could've shot the cc or fool. so shut the fuck up about the forcing the nl.
about 13 years
I always think it's funny when people try to -K people because they are pissed they won. You are only upset that I wanted to test the guilty aka your maf partner, and I was right. Suck my tit, bitch.
about 13 years
Also +k! (:
about 13 years
+k. Because I said so. And I just got enough points to +k people so I'm on a karma spree. And also, hello.
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
No walking the plank for you!
about 13 years
Hi, take a karma back.
about 13 years
karma karma karma
about 13 years
+k for that epic cop game u linked in the lobby
deletedabout 13 years
returned, it was very sad. I'm sorry I didn't play better. ):
about 13 years
It'd help if I knew where you guys disappeared to.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! Please Return!
almost 14 years
Returned, hardest game I've played so far.
about 14 years
2k for ya please return!
about 14 years
hey!:)2k for u please return!:)