
part of  family

im engaged to a lovely lady, i tell you she drives me crazy! she's always on my brain, my beautiful mary jane!

ghostwriter taught me many things in life, he also taught me how to play mafia



deletedalmost 14 years
HELLO THERE. Don't let my imposter get to you. Be my EM friend.
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
Dear nonameformedude.

The comment you sent will be taken into consideration in the future.

Best regards.
The Hyrule Family
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+k for 8 hour drive haha
deletedalmost 14 years
I'll collab with you if you teach me how to dougie
almost 14 years
acctually non i am not mad on you
you did great
but the so called leader caue lynched me when i fossed you and emonkey
and when i died and it happend to be that i am good
he still didnt went on my fos
he is stupid
what can i say
almost 14 years
Bad luck for that game. In the end I had to pick you. I knew it was Punt but you wouldn't catch on. That's the problem. Once you dig a tunnel, sometimes you can't get yourself out and your stuck there.
deletedalmost 14 years
Thanks man :)
almost 14 years
Be sure to +k my setup so we can start playing it ranked ;)
deletedalmost 14 years looks like u read my BIO lol
almost 14 years
Will +K you when I can for being an awesome tracker twice in a row
almost 14 years
+k for leet tracker skills
almost 14 years
Being blue while high rocks. When I'm high, I have wonderful scumhunting capabilities, and so the ability to have no responsibility and the freedom to just watch the conversation kicks ass.
almost 14 years
+k for the avy.

Also, I play EM a lot while high. I am a fucking amazing town when high, but shit maf.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! Please Return!
almost 14 years
Cry about it.
almost 14 years
Fuck you, if you weren't mafia you'd be mad too. You know if I was alive you would have lost. Sadly this is a team game and sometimes I have to deal with idiots.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for convincing mafia and great game.
almost 14 years
i lost a game that we should have won. apologies +k