
3207 Days
Flower Shop
in love with 

STATUS: Gave up on this game. And yeah, I literally logged in to update this because I was deeply bored.

I don't even play, so why are you reading this? I'm quite mad at several people on this game for their attitude towards Cirno. Then again, what did I expect from a community entirely based around trying to deceive others?

(as for when I did play) I NEVER play ranked or competition. Honestly they're not fun, it's just too serious for me; don't expect me to join your boring Fancy Pants setups...

Also I get n1 killed a lot so whatever; no point hanging around this game if I can't even play it.

Finally, I'd like to confirm that this is not an alt! It's my main (and only) account. As evident by this screenshot.

over 9 years
my letty <3