
part of  family

Friends (23)


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm

Created Setups

about 14 years
nevermind the fact i was a doc
if anyone else doced i woulda made a realy big deal about who they doced and why but since no one reasponed when asked did doc doc the answer will be a no i bleived tracker was telling the truth the whole time but your logic still made no sesne in the assution thateveryone knew how to play and that doc doesnt doc ever on night 1
regarded day 2 who would you yak if you could everyone was guilty and mafia didnt knwo who each otehr were who would you lynch its very easy to fake a report with tracker cuz they get the report regardless of being yaked or not so how was lynching anyone day 2 on a lylo bad
about 14 years
your jsut mad because there were so many holes in your so called logic that you couldnt see
about 14 years
alos if ever played that set up before you would knwo that doc only claims if they doced someone night 1 gusse what no one even asked doc to claim if they saved let alone asked for a doc claim i keep telling you your logic made no sense because i knew what idid and theres no point in telling you that cuz 1 ididnt wanna out myself and 2 there was no reason fro me to that that ppoint also if shrink claimed why would he say he went to squall when cleary any mafia claiming shirnk woudla claimed they went to someone else for all these reasons your logic made no sesne at all
about 14 years
ok then explain how lynching tracker was wrong the next day when u just got the shrink yaked and anyone coulda been yaked and the obious target woulda been the tracker
about 14 years
So utterly disappointed in your performance. Advocating an unCCd Doc lynch on Day 1? I'd strongly consider -K'ing you if I was able to.
deletedabout 14 years
vaulter i duno wat you did to piss em off but f the haters
about 14 years
+k for being a goodnatured maf
deletedabout 14 years
uhmmm.... you're outing a PR that may or may not want to be outed. You are encouraging people to not think. You are sowing confusion. And just because you can show something didn't go ruin everything once doesn't mean it works or its good. I could probably show you an instance where phrenology worked. Doesn't mean its good or right.
about 14 years
haters gonna hate
about 14 years
you're horrible. never play ranked again
deletedabout 14 years YOU SHOULD LOG OFF AND NEVER RETURN.