MISSING PERSON ALERT!!! If anyone has seen a young woman named StrawberryBot? She most likely will be seen in unranked games under the alias "botty." She used to play the 6-3 orcale games but now may be lurking the the sachy gs setup. If seen please contact KimThePanda or iHeartMileyCyrus. Thank you.
Invite sent. Let us continue to dominate 3 way lylo Hehe.
deletedover 14 years
+ k for being a dude like me
deletedover 14 years
I did nothing, this time I honestly have no clue why this person is asking people to neg me. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO IMGONNANEGYOU WAS BEFORE THIS INCIDENT. I was down to 12, but the community helped me out.
<33333333333333(: Question, where can I get this free mustache ride? There weren't any at our state fair, and I thought that we must have one next year!