
Toronto, Canadia
in love with 
part of  family

Here is my bio.

almost 14 years
brb karmabombing
almost 14 years
So now you're just going to copy what I say to you?

... Then friend request me. Wow.
almost 14 years
Yak here
almost 14 years
+K Epic name .
almost 14 years
So you delete comments from people explaining why they negged you?

That is really pathetic.
almost 14 years
\/ That is why you are a faggot. \/
almost 14 years
People keep asking if you're my alt. And I say, "as if I could ever come up with such an awesome alt idea"
almost 14 years
I will not accept your friend request, I hate you!
almost 14 years
huzzah i can comment!
almost 14 years
+k for finally being +kable. -k to photek for dumb
deletedabout 14 years
I can't +k you either...