
Kill Me Softly
where im needed
in love with someone gone

This is the cringiest thing ever but i laugh too so im not changing this.

This is how you sheriff boys

Alright the start of the best survivor series ever.

First ever winner of the season one survivor game 1 2011- MicheleBachman.

Winner of season 1 of my survivor game 2 series- Fahrvergnugen

Winner of season 1 survivor game 3 is game series- Matt141

Winner of first ever survivor saturday- Nicolas

Winner of season 1 survivor game series is.......Sunsclicer2

Winner of season 1 series 5: Blade12344! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damon here! Hows it going world?

Real Bio- FYI No. My birthday is not tomorrow anymore. That was meant for the 21st of march. o.o I love doing multiple things including playing em, hanging out with friends, and uploading videos on my YouTube page!

Guisetests~ Anything on prince or persia: sands of times. Anything about DBZ, Who my best survivor partner is, (Downlink! >:D) And who my favorithe EM rolemodel is, (Dat Manwhich! :3).

Friends, Shout outs, and other things.

Soda17- Dude. You are the best survivor host ever. Next time tell me when your next series game is. >:3

Downlink- Your more than a survivor buddy. Your a close friend on EM. Your cool and funny at times, and yet serious at the same!

Blade1234- Your awesome man. But you insult my hosting skillz! D:< One day i will have to show you i am one of the best! >:D Oh and stop messing with dream! >:O Dream....That's so totally who i meant. /pokerface

Wing!- Hahaha your a major redwings fan! XD Your awesome also!

Snailsmale- You have a calm, yet funny, personality. Kinda a dark and mysterious cool person in those anime you see.

Dreamy!- :D Your my bestest friend eva! Your so awesome! hahaha and i'm older than you. 5 year old! >:D muhahahahaha <3

Btw my guisetest in anyhting Kingdom Hearts Related

deletedover 12 years
and now im posting on your wall ^_^ hehe and check your messages :) pleaseeeee
over 12 years
over 12 years
:O Woah, woah woah, I'm sorry I said I forgot D:
deletedover 12 years
i cant senf you a message because you are in a game :'(
deletedover 12 years
hehe not to much .. just school and work ... i get so busy though and now im sleepy lol
wbu? ((:
over 12 years
Sorry, Who are you again? :P
deletedover 12 years
hehehe I gottcha nowwww :)
deletedover 12 years
Glad to see you back, man. :D
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
Heyy Its been a while and Im glad to tell you that you have been Invited to Jaylen23s Survivor Season 10 All-Stars! Congratulations and check your mail. Ive invited 30 people Only 24 will make it in time it is this friday at 5:00pm Eastern time Plan accordingly! check your inbox for the Password!!!! Also +k to you... There will also be a prize for the Winner!
deletedover 12 years
presents Xp hehe clothes and shoes... anddddd CHOCOLATE!!! (: wbu?
deletedover 12 years
crazy enormously busssssssy!!!!!! lol sooo hows you beeeen? :DDDD
deletedover 12 years
deletedover 12 years
For winning Survivor Pug Season 1, you get the title of "Pugvivor" and +k.(+k'ed to 13)
deletedover 12 years
of course!!! and youre amazing anyway! thats why youre one of my favorites ;) hehe
deletedover 12 years
of course I remembered!!! hehe ... so hugglezz is like hugging and cuddling all at once ... :DDD haha very cute :p
over 12 years
Santa figured out who that was, turns it out iwas the first dude on teh Naughty list, so he hates you more now, Sorry to break it to ya.
deletedover 12 years
almost 13 years
+K for F2 Survivor Borneo! XD