

my sister has autism, and i cant WAIT for the day she turns 18 and we get rid of her retard ass. she ruins everything. the hardwood floors smell like shit because she drags her uncleaned ass across the floor like a fucking dog. theres jello stains on the walls from her throwing it. she touched me face ALL THE TIME. she just runs up to me, touches my face and runs away like the fucking retard she is. she screams and yells ALL THE TIME. i've had to go downstairs mutiple times to tell my mom to yell at her to sit down and shut the hell up, because i cant FUCKING SLEEP. whats worse? my mom likes her more. she likes a smelly fucking retarded son of a bitch thats a waste a money, more than me. she wastes so much money, its unbelievable! she breaks dvds, dvd players, and like 3 fucking tvs. enough is enough already, i'm gonna fucking kill her. I've hit, scratched and slapped her in the face mutiple times because she DOESN'T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. none of my family wants anything to do with her anymore. life would be better if we didn't have that little piece of shit. we would have more money, have better things, and have a house that wasn't embarrassing from the stains and the little retard we have running around. im embarrassed to have friends over, because of that little fucking retard. she also attacks my dog out of no where. i hope her little retard school gets blown up, and she dies. i'm so sick of this shit, i cant wait for her to leave when shes 18. better life for all of us, shes out of our fucking hair!

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1 / 25Explosion!
about 8 years
love u cookie monster ;P