
Los Angeles
part of  family

a sociopathic narcissistic asshole

over 13 years
You seem so sure, you are an over-confident obnoxious fool

but hey you already know that!
over 13 years
See this is why I hate you I am nobodys bitch -__-
over 13 years
two muslim girls go behind their families backs and drink alcohol party and just do bad stuff they shouldn't do and well I am the goody goody and I feel uncomfortable so it just shows that but it's really good and I had fun making it
over 13 years
excuse et moi? vocalist?!
over 13 years
I just put more exposure on the photo which makes it look like I had tonnes of eye make up on when in actual fact I didn't have any on lol.
over 13 years
Sure I'll join :D
over 13 years
I've seen your band, I want in dude.
over 13 years
Yes :)
over 13 years
Honies? biatch I ain't no lesbian I want the men :D

matter of fact all the ladies and men want a piece of this that's why you are jealous ;P
over 13 years
fuck you I don't love you enough to pay for messages BIATCHH

also yes that picture is from about 4 months ago when I had a fringe I miss my fringe lol
over 13 years
yeah i realize she covers up most of my wall i guess bitch just loves me B)
over 13 years
Combo breaker over here this time.
over 13 years
excuse me? did you just lend me to that other family for ass kicking?!!?!?
over 13 years
ah they don't care -__-
over 13 years
They are nosy and dissaprove of anything I do ....
over 13 years
one is old the black and white one and my parents are on it... cos I have them blocked from my other one lol
over 13 years
the fuck? master as if.... -_____-
over 13 years
yep same person this picture is from a year ago or something that picture is only a month or two months old and wheres that picture still waiting...........
over 13 years
Sure, I'd join a fake band, I can play drums and be the friendly guy.
over 13 years
lol ok the last message I received was from 26th march maybe it takes time idk ..