
Pikachu Land

Everything here is 6 years old. However I don't feel like deleting it since it's a rare window to the past so enjoy:

I is a Pikachu lover. <3 Pikachu.


Add me. ;)

My Alts: KawaiiPikachu, iucidrains, Shippo, Charmander, IHeartNagerous, MiliTheRetard, IIIII, MyKarmaIsDying, 0mgshinythings9, Miiitant, Pikachu, IHeartPikachus, IHeartTheMime, YouScum, and maybe some more I forgot XD

This is what I do when I get Freeze: Fircoal turns Fircoal into a vegetable!

Hit 10K Total Score: 6/21 ^^ (Am I 16th to do this? (I could have done it two days earlier too. >> )

Mafia Pet Peeves: A non-RL lynch that doesn't have much evidence or proof on it. Seriously, if you come up with something to lynch me that is fault of my own, or good playing of the towns, then I'm fine. But if you say I don't know a million times and say barely any thoughts about the lynch I won't be happy. Please come up with reasons to lynch :)

Epic Games: 13259

Remember that I was once on the top 15 highest scores, with my peak being 11th. :)

== The EpicMafia Modkill List == My version of the favorite people list. ;) (You'd get it if you played one of my forum games. ;) (NV3 and after ;) )) (Order Doesn't Matter) * Nagerous * Militant * Firth4eva/ Thomas * 0ojakeo0 * LSUTigerJosh * Illy * Skoffin (WHY IS SHE ON HERE?!??!??!?) * TWO (pfft, 1 game and 2 suicides >_>) * F1fth (Done with the CCers XD) * RedCoyote * OmgShinyThings * Zekashis * CubsFan90 * Quaffle * Tomato * Raven * Lucid * Luna * Litral * Slyintine * Safari * Facebook * You? (Seriously, if I forgot you or you want to get to know me, I'd be more than happy to oblige. ;) )

Yea... I'm basically retired now. I may be around sometimes. Anyway the wind blows...

over 10 years
There used to be comments here. But they died D: