

WHAT'S IS that guys even his PROBLEM? is like heg got BROAD SIDE SCHOOL FED up the BONE BULGE


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20Do No Harm
about 14 years
Dude you gotta play some ranked with me! :D
about 14 years
I don't play Easy Mode :P I meant EpicMafia.
about 14 years
god, i love when i check out someone's profile and see references to SB&HJ. i have that particular quote on a t-shirt <3
about 14 years
I'm a casual HoN player at best, mainly support. I'm Laexio on HoN, add me but I normally stick to Matchmaking. I play with friends occasionally, but mostly on my own, so I'm stuck in a low tier. :) I'd be happy to play some EM games with you, I don't play ranked anymore, but I could make an alt as I'm not too bothered about losing stats on that :P
about 14 years
Fuck yes mang, we gotta get up to 1k so we can +K
And get in games together too.