
in love with 
part of  family

I am the best epicmafia player


deletedabout 7 years
Will you marry me?
Take me out to dinner first
about 7 years
cause youre so smart KRISTEN cause you have a fashion degree?
I heard you and hayden making out last night. KRISTEN
anonymousabout 7 years
Jessicaa is the worst mafia and Survivor player I have yet to meet
THE BEST******
about 7 years
Read some of your comments about me after you got voted out. Wow, why can't you just go out gracefully? What an ego. Learn to deal with failure as I'm guessing you experience it in personal life quite often.
I played the best game ever the jury was bitter
anonymousabout 7 years
Trolls and tries to ruin games for everyone else (when playing mafia) instead of just accepting a win. Your response?
I agree I don't know why I'm like this pls help


1 / 30Oxyclean
almost 7 years
busy winning 2 HOHS KRISTEN. love you <3
almost 7 years
tf have you been KRISTEN?
almost 7 years
Cody, everyone says you ruined my game. In all honesty, you made all of this worth it. So, thank you. And houseguests it took fifteen of you and half of the season to get one of the two targets out. I would like to say I'm impressed, but I'm not. And Cody and I have never been the biggest targets here, its not Forest Gump over there, it's actually Mr. Friendship. And if you guys leave him in the house any longer than you already have, then you're bigger idiots than I thought you were. Bring me home, Julie.
almost 7 years
ur sooooooo mean
deletedalmost 7 years
Read some of your comments about me after you got voted out. Wow, why can't you just go out gracefully? What an ego. Learn to deal with failure as I'm guessing you experience it in personal life quite often.
deletedalmost 7 years
accept my love
about 7 years
haters gunna hate, they hate u cuz they aint u
about 7 years
Read some of your comments about me after you got voted out. Wow, why can't you just go out gracefully? What an ego. Learn to deal with failure as I'm guessing you experience it in personal life quite often.
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
Jessicaa, more like, Hurricane Tortilla!
about 7 years
this player is one of the worst ive encountered please f'ucking dodge
deletedabout 7 years
omg bff ily
about 7 years
about 7 years
Read some of your comments about me after you got voted out. Wow, why can't you just go out gracefully? What an ego. Learn to deal with failure as I'm guessing you experience it in personal life quite often.
about 7 years
about 7 years
+k for slaying all day
about 7 years
+k for cia
about 7 years
+K pro reads and most cool