
It's been fun, helped me improve my english skills, but im quitting epicmafia for good, bye my friends :)
beautiful israel
in love with 
part of  family

i stopped being mad at people and started to pity them


its official this site has turned me into a hater. fuck you all.

you can buy me with food

im like this just black :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BAp75yK9zA&feature=player_embedded : me running to the shelter :3

"OMGEWD, a bullete hits your vest, you feel like 50cent"

i do tricks for cash only

<div align='center'><img src='http://www.hit-counts.com/counter.php?t=4&digits=6&ic=0&cid=1119982'; border='0' alt=''></a><BR></div>

> "imagine you are like this, just black" selfish

im a talking dog deal with it http://vocaroo.com/i/s0N96RvQ01Ng

first win on survivor 22.12.12 just before midnight. thank you jambecca for making this wonderful game and HighSpace and R0ronoaZoro for being best allies. gg everyone!!

first kudo on 13/3/12

9/2/13 50 tousand points. exactly!!

20/8/12 40ks points baby


19/10/11 20ks

800 wins on 12.1.13 :}

500 wins on 13.4.12 :]

400 wins on 20.2.12 :D

300 wins on 21.9.11 :)

YAYAYAYAY IM IN THE 10000 pts mark .....




anonymousover 11 years
hey, how did u know it was me?
i didnt, i still dont
anonymousover 11 years
furthermore, i appreciate ur appreciation of dogs
thanks sirius
anonymousover 11 years
hey lokito i think ur a cool guy
ok now it feels weird, like you are trying to fool me!! :O
anonymousover 11 years
I hope you never get to read this cause you died.
well too bad
anonymousover 11 years
I pray to your god that you stop breathing in your sleep every night. In full honesty. I wish you were dead.
every night you waste time thinking about me? thats so kind of you <3


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
15 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
6 / 25Eye of the Beholder
deletedover 12 years
doggy nooooooo ;-;
deletedover 12 years
lol nerd
over 12 years
It amazes me that people like you who spend so much time on this game are so awful at it.
over 12 years
yes 100%
over 12 years
Your wolf person gif thing makes me laugh :]
deletedover 12 years
ehhh that fam? i'll think about it :P
deletedover 12 years
lol im not join some conspiracy against you, dw
deletedover 12 years
Dude... its the fact that he makes a random thread of minuscule shit every day, nothing more, don't read too much into it, k? dw!
deletedover 12 years
LOLWAT!? im poking fun at u for israel thing. The thread is just funny, you have to admit, every day there is one of these, this one is coincidentally about you though :/ they get really amusing though, lol. sorry if you were offended lmao
deletedover 12 years
when your dead
over 12 years
Hhahahaha! I don't even know what to say to that. :P
deletedover 12 years
lokito not managing to towntell, lokito not being able to comprehend that killing obvtowns are good, lokito failing his pr reads. 10/10
over 12 years
Lawyer meeting
choose Giga13

Yeah you're fucking retarded. Lawyer was on nilla like every single fucking game. How fucking terrible do you have to be to not think that I would CC cop as jan? Like fucking seriously. I'm probably the most aggressive player on this fucking site and you think I would take a passive sit around and do nothing role? Fuck you. Please don't join my games. You're fucking awful.
over 12 years
-k for being an overall bad player, but most importantly, for being an insufferable asshole.
deletedover 12 years
i waited in TT but you never came you bitch
over 12 years
she's kind of stupid isnt she
over 12 years
thanks dear. also who were you sending msgs to on my main =_=
deletedover 12 years
lol ok dude zionists aren't in the wrong at all
deletedover 12 years
congrats on your terrorism....er i mean zionism :3