

Feel free to add me or drop a comment, for old time's sake.


about 10 years
that song is poop
you have literally the worst taste
about 10 years
Have you been programmed to feel love, or at least a realistic facsimile of it?
yes, but this platform cannot feel joy
about 10 years
do you dream of electronic sheep?
if you mean electric sheep then yes
about 10 years
why are robots so kawaii
because they were made to be
deletedover 13 years
What's your steam ID, megabaka?
deletedover 13 years
You are not permitted to give me this big of a boner ever again.
over 13 years
Aegis, my best partner, <3
deletedover 13 years
My Little Android Can't Be This Tsundere!
over 13 years
Oh hey, I remember you. +4k
over 13 years
>Probably. Lol no.
over 13 years
I think Vincent is trolling you. Also, welcome back, myself. Yay.
over 13 years
Goes without saying I didn't finish the game because I wasted my fucking time in TANTALUS instead of advancing the plot!
over 13 years
Because usually I'm the kind of guy that, while a normal player would finish a game in let say 25 hours. I would do, the same game, in... 100 hours! D:
over 13 years
I never did any of them. I had a better plan to TRAIN in TANTALUS every night! LMAO. Then that shit got so easy, I would reach the limit in one night, LOL. Then all the rest of the nights, till the full moon, I would wander around fighting random shit! Somehow, though I kinda had the hots for Mitsuru. I think it was the size of her breasts or something :/
over 13 years
Oh yah! Good job! The personality was a bit odd, but fun in a clusterfucked up way! I liked Aigis!
over 13 years
KORO-CHAN WAS WAK! Shit had a FUCKING DAGGER! PEW PEW! Earnestly though, at least they didn't make him shoot himself in the freaking head like the others.
over 13 years
over 13 years
+K AIGIS! Koromaru wants his KARMA! Or he'll come back to haunt you!
over 13 years
I-I thought I was your favourite friend.. ;_;
deletedover 13 years
it was pee
over 13 years
over 13 years
oh yes because we are sluts~
over 13 years
You muppet.
over 13 years
yes all day and night ~