
the south
married to 
part of  family

ain't nobody got time for that. http://i.imgur.com/lEvPkym.gif

i hate guising. i'm mostly always quiet unless i'm a PR. i hate being stuck in a 3-way lynch. i curse like a sailor. i talk about stupid shit. i don't use caps.

for guise testing:

  • ask me my first name. (starts with w ends with t)
  • ask me about my middle names (fyi there's two. first: starts with m ends in w. second starts with e ends with t.)
  • ask me my favorite word (starts with w ends with e)
  • ask me something about psych, himym, community
  • and if my friend is in game, he'll be able to clear/unclear me
  • ask me who is/was on criminal minds (major characters)
  • ask me my favorite alcoholic beverage (either a specific type of wine or scotch)
  • can't think of anything else this is shit

i haven't played comp in awhile, at least more than a year, so the standards of sandbox (..there really aren't any) have impacted my playing.

if you leave me karma, let me know so i can return it. idec if we weren't in game together.

about 13 years
loves on YOU
about 13 years
(Terminator voice) I'll be back >:D Oh, wait. Here I am! :D XD And thanks <3
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
are you around
deletedabout 13 years
i can't find you in any games now!
deletedabout 13 years
yes i am!
deletedabout 13 years
it wont let me message you since it keeps telling me i can't send messages to people in games
deletedabout 13 years
pretty sure i do
deletedabout 13 years
thank you for the karma! i would return the favor if i could. and i totally know you.
deletedabout 13 years
it won't let me comment you!
about 13 years
Thank you <3 And returned :)
about 13 years
Glad I gave you a boner in that game :D /joke :P
about 13 years
hope you're doing well
over 13 years
I MISS YOU, DEAR FRIEND. i will be back in action shortly. hope to run into you in due time
over 13 years
+k bitch
over 13 years
stay up a whole day and just crash da f out
over 13 years
10 hours of wondrous sleep, i loved every second of it! and you're quite welcome
over 13 years
i did sleep for 10 hours x_x and i did! and sweet name change bro
over 13 years
over 13 years
i spec'd that last game you were in cause i didn't make it in time SIGH