
North Carolina

If you +K, I'll return the favor. If you -K, at least man up to it.

NSider2 Mafia Player

over 14 years
+k for being a Braves fan :)
over 14 years
In the unranked game I just played with you, you made a really stupid move. Now, you shot me because you had a guilty on me, correct? Right, except for Insane cop AND Paranoid cop would BOTH have guilty on villager. So you had shit chances of hitting maf either way. ALSO!: As an insane cop, any guilty would be a villager, and you'd shoot a villager. Any inno in that setup is auto-maf. As paranoid, there's no way to know sanity if you hit a villager. So testing your sanity is also really fucking retarded.

In the future, don't make such a stupid move, and be happy that you got lucky this once.
deletedover 14 years
I wanted to neg you for lulz (when i got the points of course) but i came here and looked at your total score. And you are now a god to me i worship the ground you work on your total score at the timw was 1337. Thats Leet. :DD
over 14 years
you do the worst guise of me EVER... if you end up winning i will cry
over 14 years
When you can be -k'd, I fucking owe you won. If YOU have to go in a ranked game, YOU DON'T just lose it for the town. You man up and suicide, you little bitch. Don't join a game if you have to go, and when you have to go, grow a pair and suicide so that your team doesn't lose. Douche.