
The Courtroom

Seeking the truth, one case at a time.

Ask me about Ace Attorney

On a crusade to remove all trolls and cheaters.

Retiring 6-23-11

Unretired? 5-22-12

Unretired 8-16-17

Hotwhipzx and user80/maxpayne down, many to go.

Former cheater hunter, scumhunting Lawyer

Sex and Lies has to be my favorite setup.


almost 14 years
+K because i love you.
almost 14 years
i did +k you, i dunno someone negged you
almost 14 years
+k plz return
almost 14 years
I did have the game, check it, my shot was on MissKitten. I knew it was her, town win was incoming. :(
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
You are a damn good player, so I do not regret my first intentional suicide; the town deserved not to lose points for your shenanigans and for not listening when I said that you were not clear.
Either way, you can forcibly penetrate yourself.
deletedalmost 14 years
Answer to "What is Exhil doing?": actin a fool, man. actin a fool while hes hyper on like a whole bag of Warheads and Jolly Ranchers.
almost 14 years
2k for u plz return
almost 14 years
I hate you but you're a pretty good player.
deletedalmost 14 years
Another thing, I really don't see where all of these attacks on my skill came from anyway. I made it obvious I was putting in no effort. I was cleared an led lynches on the two maf, and called them both. You derailed them and blamed me when you almost lost. It was DLMafia's fault you would have won, as if he NK'd like he was supposed to you would have hammered Kirby instead. All I said was that you did not deserve the win, and you did not. I am not judging you on your skill or anything similar. I am telling you you are a very arrogant player, and did not deserve the win. That is all.
almost 14 years
No, you can change it back to what it was. I have no need for your +K.

I all wish for is that know I did not once think that I deserved it.
almost 14 years
That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Reversing karma to +karma for finally realizing it.
almost 14 years
Alright, I won't say it.

But I want you to absolutely know, that I did not ever think I had rightfully deserve the win (which you did claim).

If you did not put words in my mouth, you absolutely inserted my own thoughts for me (which does not reflect what I believe) and that is simply not right.
almost 14 years
Dont say it then. I put no words in your mouth. I'll be coming for you and Stability next round.
almost 14 years
Well, in any case, even if he did throw the game, I didn't say or think I rightfully won the game. So don't freakin' put words in my mouth.
almost 14 years
Then stop saying it. You didnt "rightfully" win or rightfully win.
almost 14 years
Watch the game, he saw you kill.

almost 14 years
One more time just to make sure you understand.

Despite how spammy this looks, I think this is the only way to get my point across.

I "rightfully" won. And I did not say OR think I rightfully (no quotation marks) won.
almost 14 years
Yea, I didn't say or think I deserved the win.

Don't freakin' put words in my mouth again.

Second, I doubt he was watching the one I killed.
almost 14 years
How many times do I have to say this?

I didn't say OR think (I didn't say OR think) (I didn't say OR think) I deserved the win.

I said while using quotes that I "rightfully" won. I hope you understand what that means.