
In the research of my name...

I have no name...........................................................

Also you should know that I always have huge don't be hard against me in games...and lagging isn't a reson to neg someone...

By giving me karma you help me with the costs of the reasearch XD jk!

Created Setups

almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+k'ing you :D
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for participating in a great game. Got unlucky by blowing on bomb n1, still stays to see the game through, and comments honorably at the end. Awesome player, best of luck.
almost 14 years
What mesh? o.o
almost 14 years
But...but...WHY?! XD
almost 14 years
It never gets old...oh, wait...yes, it does T_T XD <3
almost 14 years
I'm playing with trolls in ranked :D Oh God... -_-;
almost 14 years
Lol, this the first time I even thought about running XD But I will troll games with you once I use up my hearts <3
almost 14 years
Hehe, yeah...I think I'm gonna try to trophy run...LAWL...looking forward to all the -k's and "you suck" messages XD What about you? :P
almost 14 years
The game is reset :P Your overall score isn't affected. But it's a race to see who gets to the 2000 score first :P (Trophy run and stuff) :)
almost 14 years
Lol, no...I am not 69 :P I'm waaay younger :P But I was bored xD And it's fun scaring 5 year olds >.>
almost 14 years
YGO:TAS? Monty Python? Leave Britney aloooone? D: Dude... I wuv you <3
almost 14 years do have a name.