
part of  family


> ....


Pro killer:

Troll Zombies:

♥ you Courtnee:

pro priest... lol:

Too pro..... xD:

♥ pedo:

pro monk:

silly town:

List of awesome people:

  • Phawkewe50: A REALLY REALLY REALLY AWESOME and super cool person! :) Colour buddies!

  • Zazzles: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥My bestest friend evah whom I ride unicorns with and slide down rainbows with! "Smoke to my high and apple to my pie" :P hahahah xD:) <333 <# ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • ShenaeaTwain: My cool slut ;) ♥♥♥♥♥ (l) (l) (l) ♥♥♥

  • xLalaxLandx: One cool person. :) COME BACK TO EM! :)

  • RueJericho: MY BESTEST FRIEND ON HERE!!! (retired)

  • Camel/XDess: My second ex-wife turned best friend. You are pretty cool :) and despite having our up and downs, I'm glad I met you (well, mainly cos I got to meet Lala :P)! :) U MAH CUTE NURD! :P BFFs!!! <3 Plus we played one of the most epic game ever ;)! :D <3

  • Wonderwills: My ex-wife turned awesome friend! now BFF!!! :D

  • bartha: I cause his death... every time! (retired)

  • ACynicalPerson: Awesome player

  • MisaAmane: One cool European!

  • Bert: Forced me into a marriage! :O

  • thanatoseros: One crazy player! :D

  • 13balloons: This cool family of balloons I met on this cool EM chat site. (Yeah, all 13 of them are cool!!!)

  • iEatNoobsz: My scenegurl ;) (self deleted)

  • Gabe: Circle jerking her all day, all night.

  • kimchimuncher: Cool kimchi lover person! :D And so awesome at chemistry too! :P HAHA

^not really in a particular order :P (I'm also way to lazy to update this shit).

Cool info about me:

Avis created by me :D

  1. mafiapwner (xD)
  2. xLalaxLandx (<3)
  3. Zazzles (mah hello kitty)
  4. 13balloons (ellie!)

> Contact details:

>My official Facebook page: > > > - MSN: > - AIM: > - Google Chat: > - gmail: > - Personal Site:


I will now take request to draw you things! Like animals, etc.

Don't forget to comment! :D


over 13 years
+k'd pls return
deletedover 13 years
+k'd for a comp tick as a winning player
over 13 years
I'm just pointing out that people's hate is a little misguided. Not all the pony avatar users on this game are retarded and deserve the hate. Keeping an open mind is vital in these days.
over 13 years
Well, here ya go. +'ed
over 13 years
I'm not a brony. I haven't the first clue about the show in any way. I just like a certain pony from it, and it happens to be one that has a relation to the pony the person I fell in love with has. They don't know shit about the show either. I don't try and spread "ponyism" or shit. I just like the pony.

Hence the difference between brony, and pony.
over 13 years
Heyy! You on?
over 13 years
Jesus christ, I find this unfair, I've been babysitting my niece all day, too busy to karma whore.
over 13 years
+K for being a good dog! fuck the ponies!
over 13 years
Remember, there is a difference between bronies, and someone playing as a pony on EM.

Pony =/ Brony
over 13 years
Kd u Back
over 13 years
+k'd you
over 13 years
+k you i need 10 too for comp lobby :P
over 13 years
i kd you now return it or else
over 13 years
Fine, I'll help you. +k.
over 13 years
+ked bro
over 13 years
its not easy to karma whore because no one returns it when they see I have over 120 karma.
over 13 years
Three karma and you and I are tied. >:D
over 13 years
You big 'ol tease.
over 13 years
Negging over sandbox? That hurts. I'll take my + off you then.
over 13 years
Heyy!! :D Haven't talked to you in FOREVER, boo!!! Send me a message next time you're on ^-^ <3 ~Z