hey fam Baraggan here, is em still dead?
It has been dead for the last 2 years.
anonymousalmost 9 years
Can you save the EM community?
Yeah just lemme finish this game of Dota 2 first.
ok SO im attracted to girsl and ONLY GIRLS IN RELA LIFE AND ACTUAL PICTUESR AND STUFF but when i look at ANIME MEN i get sudden big bonre??? only anime mean no ACTUAL men?1 am i gay??
it's ok man just think of them as girls with dicks thats what i do
who was your icon before you switched it to ibuki
Doppel from Monster Musume
anonymousalmost 10 years
can u stop being selfish & give comp lobby over to someone active, people want to play competitions there
It's dead, move on.