
part of  family


over 12 years
LOL. Yo, it's been a while :p
over 12 years
HEY. What are you up to?? I am (finally) in the world of work!! Moving to Belgium in the early parts of next year! How are things dude? =D
over 12 years
Hope you're alright dude =)
over 14 years
how have you been? I can't find you on fb. add me? i deleted everyone mafia but i want you back! :)
over 14 years
miss you <3
over 14 years
RAWRRrrrr be gentle :o :p
over 14 years
OMG. IT'S YOUUUUU. I'm gaining weight :( Summer holidays = ice cream everyday. Me fatteh much :(
over 14 years
Hah...Life's not too bad for me atm...Passed my first year of Uni and have just done some work experience assisting in Maths classrooms. Who knows, could be a career. And oh :( Why not eh? Good to hear from you. :)
over 14 years
almost 15 years
No one calls me a nub and gets away with it!