

I'm Marilynne!

In the case of a guise test, ask any of the following:

Ask me where my screen name comes from. Ask me what my two specific nationalities are. Ask me who is in my avatar. Ask me who my sister is on EM, her first name, and why she chose her screen name.

  • Sexxxhaüs + <3 BettyVVhite <3 tschindo725

Flawless Victory:


I Betrayed My Love On Christmas Day:

over 12 years
over 12 years
You were my first Karma recipient.
over 12 years
Merry Christmas type! Even though it's 2:15 AM here so it's not Christmas anymore @_@
over 12 years
Ask the people in my family if you can join; say you we're mah first EM friend. ;w;
over 12 years
Miss you!
over 12 years
It's alright, love!
over 12 years
Type <3
almost 13 years
If you get 1000 points tell me so I can invite you to my family. :D
I think it's 1000 at least.
almost 13 years
Though I don't play in Sandbox lobby.
almost 13 years
<33 its only been about a year since i last saw youuuuuuuuuuuuu
almost 13 years
omg <33
over 13 years
play again damn it >:U
over 13 years
plz start playing again.
almost 14 years
Thanks Sexy :D. Do you know how to file a complaint o 3o?
almost 14 years
If it were possible for me I'd +K you :>!
almost 14 years
2k for u plz return
deletedalmost 14 years
You were.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
lol, it wasn't reverse mafia, so you could have safely masoned :P But okay, I see you still have a lot of roles to play in ranked :P Good luck :)
deletedalmost 14 years
+karma plz return