
Safari Zone

FYI, the rule violations on my profile are a clear cut sign of bias mods who just do what they want with little regard of actually following the rule guidelines

I never troll ranked games- Honest meta is honest, and upkeeping of the fucking rules against trolling or game throwthrowing.

I Only fake when i'm mafia.

I only fake when i'm town.

I never lie.

I never make contradictions

Mods can't fucking take a joke.

about 9 years
Are you alive?
about 10 years
deletedabout 12 years
You didn't because I blocked you. I will offer another chance though since you seem to understand where I'm coming from. Thanks.
deletedabout 12 years
And every time I kick you you immediately sent a provocative message to my inbox.
deletedabout 12 years
Every time I give you another chance to play in my games you end up harassing me about my personal life. Cut the shit and I'll stop kicking you.
deletedabout 12 years
I don't know who -K'd you so I'm up K'ing with my main!
deletedabout 12 years
Where've you been, Ambi? :(
about 12 years
Ambi is awesome. <3
about 12 years
I deleted your comment because it was partly a personal attack on me and I didn't want to leave it up. Would you like to make a thread on the forums to see who agrees with you that the violation shouldn't apply in this case? I'm fine with outing that I gave it to you, I do, however, dislike your attitude and it's taking away any chance for me to re-consider.
about 12 years
The rule for hateful comments is that you let out several excessive offensive comments and that's exactly what you did. Sandbox is still moderated in that aspect, yeah.
about 12 years Be nicer in games from now on, especially when someone shows they are offended.
deletedabout 12 years
fuck you lol
deletedover 12 years
I shot you as I believed you were acting suspiciously, nothing to do with any actions in the previous games. I'm sorry that you got that impression, but next time, please express your opinion politely.
over 12 years
+ k for you frayyyynd! Much love from Canada!
over 12 years
over 12 years
Look, Ambi, I have nothing against you swearing, and I have nothing against you wanting to play a legitimate game of mafia, even if it is sandbox. To be honest, if I remember correctly, and knowing how I react to things, I believe you were very very rude to a good friend of mine, and that's really not okay by me. It's one thing to point out someone's flaws within the game, and to try to get them to improve. But the way you go about it is cruel and unnecessary. You can say, and have said, anything bad about me that you want, and it won't phase me in the slightest, but I won't tolerate people being cruel to my friends. I'm sorry if I've personally done something to offend you, but your attitude is really beyond my comprehension and takes any and all enjoyment out of mafia for me. So unless you're willing to try to change that, then you're going to remain on my kick list for games.
over 12 years
Ambipom, I do have reason to hate you. You're an asshole to everyone all the time, and I remember this from when I used to play on here. i.e. before I quit playing for almost a year. So contrary to your belief, I do know you, I do know all too much about you, and don't care to repeat any of my past experiences with you. Kthxbye.
over 12 years
deletedover 12 years
+k'd. I doubt you even play anymore. I hope all is well with you. I'd be a liar if I said I have forgotten you.