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I am evilerer than you.

Iphigenia's alt. I can't play on Iphi because I had my password changed to prevent myself from trophy running and driving myself insane.

deletedover 13 years
I totally just realized that you're Iphigenia. Respect, for both the skill and the name.
deletedover 13 years
I think it's time to have your password changed on this one, too.
deletedover 13 years
I've always been a secret fan of you :3
almost 14 years
Me too...
almost 14 years
<3 I miss you :(
almost 14 years
nerf facked me over with his NV report, if i had got him lynched the next day town wud be like doc didnt die... so i had to come up with something..
almost 14 years
+k for being aweesome and sweet <3
almost 14 years
everybody who foses you is an omgus
almost 14 years
-K for playing terrible in what was an almost-auto-win situtaion for us. Literally nothing good could have come out from claiming Gunsmith there, I can't believe you fucked that up.
almost 14 years
+4k, please return :)
almost 14 years
Lynch shoot joleen, is that really so difficult
almost 14 years
Heya iph! I knew I recognized that av. +k'd.
almost 14 years
I didn't have you +k'd yet for some reason. +'d now. I love playing with you.
almost 14 years
+8'd, I agree with you. do whatever that's legal to win. those people who disagree suck and don't know logic, ignore them.
almost 14 years
hai deb <3
almost 14 years
Oh and I do apologize for my behaviour. That game just got me annoyed.
almost 14 years
Win percentages mean a fuckton and you were the only one who refused to guisetest even with a confirmed guiser.
almost 14 years
+k for the good silencer!
almost 14 years
oI! get on gtalk
almost 14 years
U said I was defensive. ughhh. plus k just coz I am here.