
part of  family

Janusz Pawulon zwija siÄ™ w rulon

over 13 years
I negged you but your on my friends list... why? O.o
over 13 years
removed the neg since you said sowwy :3
over 13 years
Sorry for that veg, everyone. :(
over 13 years
I only make good choices. :) +k'd back
over 13 years
Oh boy, really, you should rather -k the town, you spammed the heck of that game, they couldn't see what I wrote anyways
over 13 years
very bad player. can't use logic so it just calls people faggots. Also, obv you delete bad comments so you look good. If these were all true you'd have well over 100karma by now
deletedover 13 years
+k plus kay
deletedover 13 years
+k, return?
deletedover 13 years
+k plz return
over 13 years
haha, thanks man, i just +k'd you
deletedover 13 years
also enjoy your +4k
deletedover 13 years
"and I looked his profile up, he had much less points than you, so his confusion was kinda justified." = meta = LAME AS FUCK
over 13 years
over 13 years
Swietne imie. +K
over 13 years
+k returned
over 13 years
Dupa, why don't you play with us anymore? :<
over 13 years
+k'ed for polish mafia
over 13 years
and we all lost cause the gunned person shot you. nothing i could've done about it.

+k for your troubles.
over 13 years
dude i wasnt traitoring. mafia already knows i was yakked so i tell them to kill the village so in return i would bring them into the cult! if they saw me missing from the council they would already know that i'm part of the cult dude!
over 13 years
K+ for ... Everything XD