
There is no try. Do, or do not.
Team Zeal Hideout
married to 
part of  family


Hello guys.

If you think I'm scum, think again. I'm usually scummy town.

If you +k me, post and I'll always return.

To guisetest me, ask me about my avatar.

I'm also fluent in Russian/German/Ukranian as a back-up guisetest.

ps t34m z34l 4eva

I am the fastest typer on EM. When I'm cop and I get a guilty I am ridiculously quick, you will not believe most of the time how quick I am. I do believe I have the fastest rxn time out of anybody on the site. I am forced to type this up on my profile because I tend to get lynched because i am 'too quick'. i find it ridiculously unfair that a better cop gets lynched for being a better cop. the only way somebody is faster than me is if i lag or they prepared report at night



anonymousover 11 years
y r u so cute?
i suffered in my childhood, so to compensate god gave me cuteness
anonymousalmost 12 years
. lol
deletedalmost 12 years
Ooohhhh the avi!!! I'd edit it for you to make it better if you tell me how xD <3
no this avy is AMAZINg
deletedalmost 12 years
:D Quack! What's your wpm??? Words per minute, since you're Sir Type-too-quick!
my wpm is low, but wpm is unimportant when it comes down to fast cop claims


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 12 years
Awh thank you! Returned to 156 :3
over 12 years
:( I'm doing terrible this wownd. :$$$$$$$$$
deletedover 12 years
+k returned
over 12 years
Lmao I didn't see that lol
over 12 years
Sure thing darling :)
deletedover 12 years Don't quote spam like that again.
over 12 years
I'm so sorry...I love being your wife. Screw incest; it's not like we're able to make babies either way. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I reproposed to you my wittle duckling ;)
over 12 years
I'm really sorry cuz my mother interupted the game and make me help her... i was confused.
over 12 years
what do u think about this setup.. .... just tell how can i improve it.. i want to keep 2 docs and a tracker.. and i dont want to use a fool.. all mafs can fake visits.. if u guys want a nilla then please mention it
deletedover 12 years
I'll try to, we'll see how it develops. I already ran one round, was close to win, but then my internet connection decieved me and I got veg, which happened to be end of my run. :-(
over 12 years
Yeah dude. It's very difficult to achieve a good hypo. And usually the maf fucks it up to act pro town.. And the one who proposes it gets lynched. Read back some games and you will see that one maf is absolutely against it keeps saying that it sucks
over 12 years
Thanks for the information :D, I was actually never gonna comp gallis hunter, just for some people to chuckle at.
over 12 years
i read that game..i told you that hypo cop works.. it is better than doc alive and cop ccs, because hypo cop gives 6 reports.. maf cant cc cop if they inno the cop.. spread the word.. hypo cop works.. it gives huge amount of information..
over 12 years
+k returned, thank you. :)
over 12 years
returned :)
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
over 12 years
That was a fun, close game. I'm surprised we didn't lose it with cop death D1 and my somewhat stupid claim 0_o
deletedover 12 years
luckily every game i played finished well.. 2 gts which were refunded.. things went well for me.. and yeah... i did work hard on towntelling and scumhunting...