
Under Your bed :3

Hai :3 I'm Moxxi.<3(: This is me. <br> <br> <br> <br>

We always win k <br> If I sui, it's not on purpose, and it's in the sandbox. Don't neg over sandbox vegges. I mean, SERIOUSLY, people. Been playing since 2009. <3

<br> <br>

I make mistakes; everyone does. Haha. If you neg me, let me know why so I don't do it again! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>

IF I SUI, it's when I have no choice. It rarely happens. I don't troll-sui.

GUISE TEST: Ask me how I got my name.

<333 I love y'all.

<br> <br>

I LOVE THESE PEOPLES: LotusDragon <333 <br> Rory3000 <333 <br> Kaylee5311 <br> Lettuce <br> PineappleBear <br> Turtl311 <br> Audacity <br> Battleroyale3 <br> Sonseray <33 <br> Gingie <br>

Spiderboom is my love and wife. <33(; <br> <br> >&lt;br "Do you hear yourself talk? I might kill you tonight."

about 14 years
Thanks <3
about 14 years
I am double negging you... b/c i am jealous of your awesomeness :D
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
You filthy feminist scummy looking pal.
+k'd tho cuz you aimed right or at least right enough far a filthy feminist scummy looking pal that wanna feel independant.
about 14 years
+k, silly strategy shooting Fiona, :)
deletedabout 14 years
I looooove you <3 play together some time soon yeah? <333
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
Your attempt at having a last game caused the server to go down like 3 times.

about 14 years
i dont see ittt.
about 14 years
You mean you know her IRL?
deletedabout 14 years
hey long time no talk
about 14 years

Check out my in-jokes. Sometimes they can be funny, and the rest of them are short anyway.
about 14 years
It concerns me a little that a Disney star is your role model.
about 14 years
thaaank youuu very much! <33
about 14 years
Oh I see; ETF made the biggest mistake by getting rid of him & picking up Craig. :| Ronnie was a genius.
about 14 years
You're welcome. Ohhh Ronnie Radke, what ever happened to that gentleman? Has he gotten out of jail yet?
about 14 years
lmfao! Fine you're forgiven! I had you plussed already since you're my buddy. :D I plus k'd everyone on my friends list after I reached 2,000 points because I'm cool like that.
deletedabout 14 years
you're so cuuuuute
about 14 years
i neeeed yaa facebook!
about 14 years
Ginny? Are you calling me guidette?! I SEE HOW IT IS!