

Should probably be writing a paper....I'd rather orc you though. I guess you can ask me about Raider Passion and where to find it.

If you are going to +k or -k, tell me why.

almost 9 years
+k bc you're nice :)
deletedover 10 years
+k bc you're cool :3c
about 11 years
I retract my friendship request. It's been sitting there waiting and waiting.
about 11 years
+k your a good player :)
over 11 years
A request is pending.
deletedabout 12 years
+k'd, return? ♥
about 12 years
+K to 16. :)
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
deletedover 12 years
Yes. animal print and bows are perfect together. :3
deletedover 12 years
+k to 14 and I've friend requested you. <3
deletedover 12 years
one of the most irritating players I have ever encountered on my small life on epicmafia. I have seen a lot of A-holes but this one takes the biscuit. I do hope none of you innocent souls will have the displeasure of encountering this horrible man. Good day
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
Can we turn over a new leaf on our love-hate relationship yet? <3
deletedover 12 years
+k because i love you, I DO.
almost 13 years
Temporarily negged for being a TOTAL ASSHOLE FOOL. YOU KNOW I DESERVED THAT WIN. :P
almost 13 years
+k ed u ;)
almost 13 years
Oh, thank you, keke. :3
almost 13 years
this was what i said to qatlee: qatlee, if you want me to explain to you, here it is: in my point of view, you are mafia because iminocent is clear and one of the cops are mafia. therefore, one of us is mafia too. i asked you a question to test whether you will bus or not. it's a kind of testing. you are not mafia because you don't know what to answer. you are mafia to me because one of us is mafia.
almost 13 years
Return +K and yeah even though your accidenly bus didnt have to be I accidently voted myself when I could have forced nl
almost 13 years
That's fine, really! I didn't understand that game either!