
Godric's Hollow
part of  family

Sirius Black was born into the pureblood Black family and is the elder brother of Regulus Black. Up until the age of 16 he lived at 12 Grimmauld Place, London. After that he lived with best friend James Potter and his parents. Sirius is cousins to Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks, and through their offspring related to Nymhadora Tonks and Draco Malfoy. Supposedly Sirius is also a second cousin once removed of Arthur Weasley and by marriage cousin to Molly Weasley. Sirius did not share the same views as his parents who were strongly pureblooded and supported Voldemort. Sirius' brother was a loyal Death Eater and later killed by other Death Eaters. At Hogwarts Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor rather than his family's Slytherin House, which didn't make matters better. While at Hogwarts he befriended Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and of course James Potter, all four of which in the groups 5th year became illegal Animagi to keep Remus company while in his werewolf state. Each time on the full moon the boys would wander the grounds and this aided them in later writing up the infamous Marauders Map (As an animagus Sirius took the form of a big black dog, and his Marauder name was Padfoot). At school Sirius also had a really bad relationship with Severus Snape who he would taunt along with James constantly. After graduating from school, James married Lily Evans and Sirius stood as James' Best Man. In the books Sirius is shown in a wedding picture and described as a happy young man. In the uprise of Voldemort Sirius along with James, Lily, Peter, and Remus joined the Order of the Phoenix. When Harry was born Sirius was named Godfather and was recognized as Harry's legal guardian if anything were to happen to Lily and James. Sirius was chosen as the Potter's Secret Keeper, however never became it, giving the job to Pettigrew. After the murder of Lily and James, Sirius went to Godric's Hollow and tried to convince Hagrid to let him keep Harry. When Hagrid refused, Sirius lent him his motorbike to take him to the Dursley's. In a fit of rage Sirius hunted down Peter and cornered him in a street full of muggles. Peter fearful, transformed into his animagus form (a rat), but not before cutting off his finger. Intentions on framing Sirius fufilled, Sirius was captured, and without sentence found guilty of betraying Lily and James and also of "murdering" Pettigrew, was sent to Azkaban. There he sat for twelve long years until he got up the strenghth to journey to Hogwarts in Harry's thrid year to seek revenge on Pettigrew. He knew that Pettigrew was alive, because after requesting to see a copy of the Daily Prophet, he recognized him in a picture on the front cover posing as a rat. Ron's pet rat Scabbers to be exact! Harry who had been told Sirius had murdered his parents vowed to find Black and kill him. When they finally meet in the Shrieking Shack Sirius and Remus explain to Harry what had really happened and through pure disgust Harry allowed Pettigrew to live when he was forceably turned back to human. Intent on becoming a free man, Sirius asks Harry that, when his name was cleared, if he would want to live with him. Harry excited with the thought of being with someone other than the Dursley's quickly agrees. However, in the end Pettigrew escapes and Sirius is forced to go into hiding. He escapes on Buckbeak the Hippogriff and promises Harry that he will return. In the fourth book Harry writes to Sirius telling him of his scar hurting and Sirius returns and spends his time while Harry is at Hogwarts living in a cave just outside of Hogsmede. Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to visit him as much as they can and tell him everything they know. Hermione also makes food packages for him! At the end when Voldemort finally returns Sirius is asked to find Remus Lupin and once again rejoin the Order. The group uses Sirius home which returns to 12 Grimmauld Place as a Phoenix Headquarters.

Interesting/Biographical Facts

Hogwarts: c. 1971 - 1978, Gryffindor House Nicknames: Padfoot (after his Animagus form); Snuffles Hair: black; lets it grow out when he's unhappy and wears it short when things go well Distinguishing features: very good-looking - the aristocratic, somewhat haughty Black good looks - when he's eating enough, but of late years the characteristic gauntness of an ex-inmate of Azkaban, which takes a long time to fade entirely his laugh is like a dog's bark


1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
almost 14 years
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