
His oven.
in love with 

10... 9.... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... SURPRISE!

over 5 years
Father why have you forsaken me on this day?
about 13 years
+K for awesome performance :D
over 13 years
Epic cop K+
over 13 years
+k to my family buddy!
over 13 years
If i could +K you again for that comment i WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!! Noxxus is the FUCKING MAN!
over 13 years
+k for that good cop playin
over 13 years
Epic game. +K
over 13 years
Epic doc = epic doc
over 13 years
+k'ed for great doccing :)
over 13 years
negged for thinking I throw games
over 13 years
You were amazing as hooker. I hope to be maf with you again one day haha
over 13 years
+K for being a good cop!
over 13 years
+ K for that game.