Haha, thanks. Sorry for making you guilty, I realized too late that the other probably mafia besides you could be uncc'd doc, though I believe the bus would work quite well. Nice job. :D
Thank you very much for that detailed response. Karma'd.
deletedabout 14 years
I was just curious why you thought Taote died. From what I remember, you never offered a response. Taote was covering for Neji meaning that they were a scum pair. Neji had a guilty on Poppin meaning that it was Poppin/Future. Taote flipped doc, therefore Neji was probably cop. The probability of Neji wifom'ing was low, given how desperate he was at Lylo to get someone to believe him. Taote was the only one who supported Neji and he was dead. If Neji was mafia, he would kill his only supporter? The gambit didn't make sense. I'm just curious because you said you didn't have a reason to change.