


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 13 years
Thanks :) , returned now to 5
deletedover 13 years
-k for bad town playing
about 14 years
+k for pro yak moves.
deletedabout 14 years
Changed my mind about you, good job. +K
about 14 years
thanks for a few great games. :)
about 14 years
Actually, you're the one who's butthurt. You post on my profile that you negged me, while also claiming i suck at this game, then when i reply to it, you deny negging, when you first said you did. And then you call me a horrible player because you're too stupid to realise, i threw the game, so i point this out to you. And then you, the person who started this whole argument resorts to calling me butthurt, when in actuallaity, i don't care, i just enjoy pointing out your stupidity
about 14 years
+k'd! Brought to you by the NoMoreNegs Initiative.
about 14 years
"RonHodge 19 hours 24 minutes
I can't even neg. And you're horrible at this game. You should really just quit bro"

Allow me to explain why it is actually YOU who is horrible at this game. I obviously lied and said you whispered me, when you didn't. Claiming you repeated my exact words i sent to the spy, as an agent, and you did not dispute this. I repeat, i obviously fucking lied. So please, explain how in your retarded mind how that equates to being a "horrible" player. It's not a case of me making a mistake, which would equate to being a horrible player that should quit, it's called throwing the game. If anything, YOU should quit. Retard.
about 14 years
+k'ed for taking claims in an unranked 12 man game.
about 14 years
Negged for being a nigguh