

RIP Mod Solaster: January 2011 - May 2012

You don't know what you don't know.

Moral Hazard.

over 13 years
Doesn't this site have a... word filter of any kind? I'm sick of being in rated games where racial slurs are being thrown around and people acting like children.
over 13 years
and apperently to you everybody should troll in sandbox? jesus... please delete your account.
over 13 years
WTH are you talking about? Why neg me? i got killed by vig.

over 13 years
And if a person can defend his actions, then anything can be defended. Do not play favorites by giving warning/suspensions to people like Jack and not to Fading. I'm am sick of the mod bullshit that we have to put up with sometimes.
over 13 years
Except for the part where I'm not Edgeworth. This needs immediate clarification in rules, there is no excuse to suspend people for fakeclaiming when clearly, thats not the case with Fading. If you would like, address it here.

This should not be a grey area. It is absolutely defined and Fading needs a warning not to do it again if nothing else is done about him.

One last thing. Do not ever dare to make an exception to a clearly defined rule that was clearly broken.
over 13 years
Since Pious and Jep are lacking in logic, I want an opinion on
In particular, clarification as to what Fading did did not constitute "fakeclaiming" when he did exactly what was described in box 8c. This needs immediately addressment.
over 13 years
Pretending to throw a game vs throwing a game is two completely different things. It was completely logical for me to sack the bomb in that situation. I was very close to getting lynched. You're being a hypocrite
deletedover 13 years
Tell me, what is the fair play for town if I'm mafia? Telling them I'm mafia? I'm sure that's fair.
deletedover 13 years
lol I'm supposed to be fair to town? I'm mafia, I'm anything but fair to town. Regardless, they don't need to read ME specifically to scumhunt. Like I said, there are players that just can't be read. It's all apart of the game, no real rules were broken other than what you mods dislike while playing. That's a preference, not in-game altering, or throwing.
deletedover 13 years
I ask that you reconsider. The game is not based on solely one person, no game was thrown, he can't scumhunt > butthurt > cries...That is not valid reason for any action.
over 13 years
If turtwig didnt slip, i wouldnt do such a thing, so there wouldnt be any harsher punishments :P
deletedover 13 years
Yes, yes I am. :D
deletedover 13 years
+k plz return
deletedover 13 years
Why would I waste my time doing that? Once again, I reiterate, I reported someone for spamming 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER LYNCH THIS FAG LYNCH THIS FAG LYNCH THIS FAG' all game. Apparently that's fine with you guys.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
He just deleted his account. Which scares the shit out of me.
deletedover 13 years
I sent you an email at [email protected] regarding PxxxWANG outing personal information about me. Um, a ban would be hugely appreciated. :\
deletedover 13 years
Why should it be your decision as to what I should reasonably find over the top and what I shouldn't?
deletedover 13 years
Change your ruleset then. Your rules basically say that suiciding is against the rules if it is to prevent a certain side from winning, or because you made a mistake, etc. My suicide didn't fall into any of the categories listed on your spreadsheet. I suicided because Sharpton was intentionally insulting me and trolling me and I didn't feel like I should have had to put up with that. You still haven't explained to me in the slightest how it is 'game-related' as per the definition on your spreadsheet.

I'm really annoyed about this. I had a game a couple of days ago where someone spent the whole game going 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER LYNCH THIS FAG LYNCH THIS FAG LYNCH THIS FAG'. I reported it, and I was told that nothing would be done about it because there wasn't exactly a rule against it. Now I get suspended for doing something that there isn't exactly a rule against. You guys need to get your shit together.
over 13 years
They are the ones able to kill, having hit a bomb d1 AND getting themselves lynched d3, therefore I find it unjust to be accused of someone else's shortcomings. I know not what really is expected of me in this situation, or would you have preferred
that I try single handedly as a lone silencer to win the game for the mafia, by constantly making preposterous claims that I would only end up contradicting from one day to the next, in an attempt not only to make a fool of myself, but of the entire village and just ending up wasting time on an outcome that was already decided? If so, then truly you must ask the impossible from me.

That is all the input I have on the matter, thank you for the allotted time ^_^.