

RIP Mod Solaster: January 2011 - May 2012

You don't know what you don't know.

Moral Hazard.

over 13 years
I even voted for Cornholio in detriment of Voltron (the hooker in this case) even though I had no way of knowing before hand he is my parter. Therefore even here, nothing I did would point out an eventual compromise of the game, I played my role the best I could. Lastly, after both the killing mafia were out of the picture, there was really nothing I could do. May I remind you I was silencer and thus I do not possess the ability to kill during the night,
a futile prolongation of the game would only bring about discomfort to the remaining players (and would indeed be considered as trolling, since the game was already lost for mafia), thus I did what was natural, I gave myself in and awaited the towns decisions (hence the self voting and refusal to defend). It would have come to that eventually,
therefore I saw no reason to continue to struggle. From my point of view, my style of play did nothing to impede the mafia whatsoever, on the contrary it their primary fault for what happened.
over 13 years
I do not mean to pry, but could you please explain as to why I am issued this penalty, or where is my fault in the outcome of the game? The game already started out as difficult for the mafia. They hit the bomb d1 (none of which was my fault) thus the game was already compromised. I using the best of my abilities tried to get some PRs to claim using, what is generally called "role fishing" in order to self my fellow mafia in at least having a better chance to get a PR the second night (it was imperative they do so, as well).As one can see it YIELDED immediate results, since the remaining mafia hit the cop, an important PR, the next night. What followed was the hooker being to adamant in this claims thus leading to his eventual demise. I tried my best to help him out (even trying to avert attention to myself, as I would have preferred a Silencer lynch than that of a Hooker) but in the end it was his own acts that led to his demise. (to be continued in the next reply)
over 13 years
Sometimes all you can do is trust that your allies know to do the right thing. Any good strategy holds its basis on cooperation. There is only as much one can do alone, this is a team game after all.

In any case, thank you for your concern. Your advise is much appreciated. Have fun and godspeed in the future.
over 13 years
That still does not discourage me from making a claim that could potentially safeguard the actual doc while sewing confusion with the mafia. Nevertheless, the mafia knew bomb, so docs position was already teetering as is. Under no ounce of logic would that justify his open cc give the circumstance. I see it as a grave mistake, that gave away his privileged role and ultimately cost the game. I blame it on inexperience mostly, since no experienced player would be so naive as to think they have a mafia just by ccing a doc. As I see it, if they would have just lynched GodRealm as I initially suggested all that could have been avoided. But, we play games SO that we can learn and grow FROM them. I regard this as a good example of the risks involved in epic mafia. No matter the advantage, one must not let his guard down or the consequences may be dire, indeed. ^_^
deletedover 13 years
Okay, thanks.
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over 13 years
Chat works now. I finally played enough games to reply to you :/
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tick tock tick tock
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I think you should.
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Or maybe a day or two, since I'm sleepy, and wanna sleep soonish. And I'll probably forget about the blackmail for a bit.. so days.
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This is the part where I blackmail you by threatening to tell nuckfiggers who you are so he can then go and tell the rest of the site.
over 13 years
The entire town was playing against their win condition and were busy tripping over themselves to kiss the exposed yakuza's gaping asshole with cries of favoritsim yakking. They all had it coming and I have no regrets doing what I did.
over 13 years
>implying that I won't make another account with a proxy, just like I did with this one.

You're just making more trouble for yourself.

Love, Igger
deletedover 13 years
Cyanide really needs to be actioned on. Read my report, please, on the report thread. He states his intentions and said he will continue doing this. Said he doesnt care about sui's, they're just a warning and can do it as much as he wants.
over 13 years
Yeah it didn't remove the loss. Also I'm Mikami and apparently I got negbombed hard. I don't even know. When I'm in the lobby it says -31 but when I'm on my profile it says 8?
over 13 years
Someone tried to use the karma exploit against me apparently. I fixed it myself though it seems I'm 5 karma up.
over 13 years
Does returning hearts not take away the win/loss from one's stats?