

RIP Mod Solaster: January 2011 - May 2012

You don't know what you don't know.

Moral Hazard.

about 13 years
Thank you for the comment. I have addressed the situation concerning - If there or any other questions or concerns let me know. Thanks much for the heads up.
deletedabout 13 years
I've had multiple games refunded because of ISP when that person had no affect on the outcome of the game. This is a bullshit ruling.
deletedabout 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Hey sexy lady ;D
about 13 years - I'll keep that in mind when playing with idiots.
about 13 years
Actually. Please ban my account. Decided to give this up after I got into the competitive lobby. Too addicting :(. thx
deletedabout 13 years
So you'll give me a harassment violation even though the "victim" in question hasn't said to stop, but you'll not rule that a game was gamethrowing when someone clearly had intent to lynch me as town because I "deserved it". It's like you're trying to keep your stunning shitty moderating at standard. Good job, keep up the great work.
about 13 years
What was the call for that report and why was it deleted?
deletedabout 13 years
Replied to your statement. Thanks Solaster. I know you're busy.
about 13 years
can you unsuspend me since the report was overturned?
deletedabout 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Thank you Solaster. I was frustrated because I couldn't understand why it was taking so long.
about 13 years - I still don't have replies from you. Please let me know if you checked this out, thanks.
about 13 years
about 13 years
Yeah, I replied.
about 13 years
so I can say that to you if I want? I can call you a mother fucker and tell you to die, you fucker? alright. guess you couldnt do anything about that then. we can just harass everyone as long as it isn't excessive. that sounds healthy.
about 13 years are you saying I can harass anyone as much as I want as long as its just one line (it was 2 btw)? I didn't know that. Better start harassing everyone one line at a time, that way I can't be reported, right? makes sense
about 13 years - This is a huge mistake, please check this out.