
Living room
part of  family

A couch cannot lie. It is only a couch.

If you would like to know if the couch is sided with the village or the mafia, simply ask for a "couch report."

To doubt the word of the couch is called a "couch trap", and usually results in a failure for the town.

Please, just sit back and relax.

about 14 years
I quite love it how the mods are going after the furniture and not after the people who ask for the reports
deletedabout 14 years
I have been away - and I return to find you are gone. this is a sad day for furniture. I hope I can continue your noble cause. We have a great deal of support. Please come back soon.
about 14 years
Couch banned? Why? It's just a couch.
deletedabout 14 years
Are you really banned, Couch?
about 14 years
My first +k goes to my mentor and friend, Couch.
about 14 years
Well you were already banned by Inspiration, so 24 hours was the best I could do.
about 14 years
about 14 years
I love you too!!
about 14 years
Thanks. =(
10 min ban when i'm obviously not suiciding or afk... Fail town is fail. It even unranked the game. So lame...
about 14 years
Returned because I quite enjoy sitting on you ;D
about 14 years
Thanks :). I just get frustrated after a while.... I also tend to get distracted during games, which really doesn't help.
about 14 years
Apparently I'm a terrible player :/. Do you have any words of advice?
about 14 years
love my comfy couch...+k'd u
about 14 years
You should play more often in the training lobby.
deletedabout 14 years
lol. So comfy yush. +k returned.
deletedabout 14 years
+k for being comfortable.
about 14 years
Guess what...
deletedabout 14 years
Ha alright. Thanks and sorry again for last game.
deletedabout 14 years
+K returned. But are you sure you didn't accidentally hit the neg button. I am short one karma point. Oh well, good game, and sorry for hammering on you.