
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Best priest ever:

over 11 years
over 11 years
Why, thank you! ^-^
deletedalmost 13 years
We are friends and I never +k'd you. So, +k!
deletedabout 13 years
I'll try later
over 13 years
sorry lol. i just assumed
deletedover 13 years
You too, sweet pea.
over 13 years
hey thnx for the neg
deletedover 13 years
Pretty positive
deletedover 13 years
Oh and I didnt lose points. The heart refunded was a loss
deletedover 13 years
Im trying to not play that heart because the person that won beat me fair and square regardless of the gamethrow
deletedover 13 years
Oh my you are choking.
deletedover 13 years
But when people see others with such a huge lead, they stop trying.
deletedover 13 years
I mean, you're third with all your hearts and I'm first with a 200 point advantage, We got this round in the bag
deletedover 13 years
Looking at the scoreboard, unless you don't 1/5, we'll both have guaranteed trophies lol
deletedover 13 years
I started my first game really bad, but then I got an awesome maf solo win(first in the round) that payed off for the fail loss
deletedover 13 years
GL !
deletedover 13 years
I may or not be Espionage's alt haha. I wish you luck. I screwed up today and wen't 2/5, but good job getting past me. Let's own this round shall we? I wish we played at more similar times
over 13 years
Haha I know and you did well acting townie but he was just more townie than you xD
deletedover 13 years
I see that you are at the top of the list. Good luck with your trophy run.
over 13 years
Note to self: Never shrink Marvin because he will screw you over. Nvm 3-ways can be hard.